
Attorney Profiles

Dunlap and Chattanooga Tennessee Attorneys

Personal Injury ● Workers’ Comp ● Criminal Defense ● Divorce ● Litigation

Located in the greater Chattanooga area (Dunlap), Elizabeth Greer Adams Law Group assists clients with cases in the state and federal courts throughout southeastern and middle Tennessee.

We offer quality representation and the highest level of personal service. Our advice and recommendations are based on over 40 years of experience and accumulated knowledge.

For additional information about us and the benefits of retaining our services, please visit our Firm Overview.

Contact an Experienced Tennessee Lawyer Today

For quality representation or to discuss your legal issue with a qualified lawyer, please schedule a free confidential consultation by calling us at (423) 949-3621 (Dunlap) or (423) 775-3621 (Dayton). If you prefer, you can also fill out our intake form. All inquiries will be promptly answered. Experience matters.